Guido Convents is a Belgian film, historian specialized in colonial and non-western cinema. Since the 1980s, he has been publishing books and articles on cinema in Africa, especially in Portuguese-speaking African countries such as Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo and Ruanda-Burundi. He has published seven books on African Cinema. He has worked as a journalist, historian and film expert for the SIGNIS - (World Catholic Association for Communication) and as the Editorial Secretary of the Cine & Media review, called SIGNIS Media in 2002. He has contributed to the quarterly international cinema review CineMag. Since 1996, he has been the President of the Afrika Film Festival in Leuven (Belgium). Also, he has been involved in post-production projects for SIGNIS Latin American films and the Cine in Construction workshops at the San Sebastián and Toulouse Film Festivals. He contributes regularly to the review Le Film Africaine& Le Film du Sud, published by the International Film Festival of Amiens (France).
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